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Leaving a Legacy: John & Helen Pavela

Leaving a Legacy: John & Helen Pavela

Since the 1940s, the Pavela name has been a staple in the halls of Aquinas High School. John '43 was the second member of a family that has seen more than 25 proud Blugold graduates. He and his wife, Helen, have been faithful supporters for decades, and even after their passing, continue to support Aquinas.

John passed away on July 25, 2011, and a short ten months later, Helen joined him when her life ended on May 14, 2012. John and Helen were a very popular duo around La Crosse and had more family and friends than can be counted.

Friends and family of the Pavelas graciously gave to Aquinas High Schoolin memory of John and Helen, who had so generously given to Aquinas throughout their lives. The family wanted to make sure their parents' memorials would have a positive impact, so the Pavella children put their heads together to honor their mom and dad with some additions to Aquinas. Some of the funds were used to refurbish the John and Helen Pavela Conference Room at Aquinas – it received new carpet and paint, and historic photos of Aquinas High School were hung. The donations have also helped purchase 10 iPads, one for each of the departments in the high school. Teachers will use them to explore new teaching techniques. The Aquinas family is truly unique. We are fortunate to be blessed with alumni and friends, like the Pavelas, who are still making a positive impact on today's students and the future of Aquinas, even after they have passed away.

seen more than 25 proud Blugold graduates. He and his wife, Helen, have been faithful supporters for decades, and even after their passing, continue to support Aquinas.

John passed away on July 25, 2011, and a short ten months later, Helen joined him when her life ended on May 14, 2012. John and Helen were a very popular duo around La Crosse and had more family and friends than can be counted.

Friends and family of the Pavelas graciously gave to Aquinas High Schoolin memory of John and Helen, who had so generously given to Aquinas throughout their lives. The family wanted to make sure their parents' memorials would have a positive impact, so the Pavella children put their heads together to honor their mom and dad with some additions to Aquinas. Some of the funds were used to refurbish the John and Helen Pavela Conference Room at Aquinas – it received new carpet and paint, and historic photos of Aquinas High School were hung. The donations have also helped purchase 10 iPads, one for each of the departments in the high school. Teachers will use them to explore new teaching techniques. The Aquinas family is truly unique. We are fortunate to be blessed with alumni and friends, like the Pavelas, who are still making a positive impact on today's students and the future of Aquinas, even after they have passed away.

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