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Leaving a Legacy: George & Marita Smith

Leaving a Legacy: George & Marita Smith

Aquinas has been blessed with former students, teachers, and friends that have made an estate gift to Aquinas Catholic Schools or the Aquinas Catholic Schools Foundation, leaving their legacy in a lasting gift supporting our students and schools.

As grateful as the Aquinas Family is for these lasting gift s, we rarely have the opportunity to recognize, thank, and acknowledge these people before they pass away. The St. Thomas Aquinas Society was created to recognize people before they pass away and let them know how grateful we are of their support. George and Marita Smith are some of Aquinas' most loyal supporters. Neither George nor Marita attended Aquinas, but all six of their children are proud Aquinas alums.

"We have included Aquinas in our Estate Plans because the school has done wonders for our children and the community of La Crosse," said George. "There has been a lot of very accomplished people that have come out of Aquinas, and we want to make sure that the high level of education and faith continues for generations to come."

Along with Bill Kerrigan, George was one of the founding fathers of the Aquinas Catholic Schools Foundation in 1975. George served on the Foundation Board for many years, and Aquinas has always held a special place in the Smiths' hearts.

"We have always supported Aquinas, but we also want to be able to help after our time here on earth," said George. "This school has positively impacted thousands of students and members of the community, and we want to do all we can to help the future of Aquinas."

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